

1. 一声问候,一份祝福,愿疫情早日结束,生活回归平静。I give you a greeting and a blessing, and hope that the epidemic will end soon and life will return to normal.

2. 愿你拥有一天的好心情,拥有一份满意的工作,拥有幸福的生活。Wishing you a good mood for the day, a satisfactory job, and a happy life.

3. 祝你一生有情人终不老,百年好合永不变。May you and your true love grow old together, and your love be as strong as ever for a hundred years.

4. 愿你的生活如歌逸般优美;愿你的爱情如蜜糖般甜美。Wishing your life to be as sweet as a melody; wishing your love to be as sweet as honey.

5. 愿这份祝福可以带给你欢乐和快乐,为你的前程和未来加油。May this blessing bring you happiness and joy, and add strength to your future and your dreams.

6. 愿你的明天比今天更美好,愿你的未来比过去更精彩。Wishing you a better tomorrow than today, and a more wonderful future than past.

7. 愿你拥有足够的勇气和力量,去追求你所想要的生活,去创造你所渴望的未来。Wishing you enough courage and strength to pursue the life you desire, and to create the future you crave.

8. 祝福这个春天,给你好运,给你一个美好的未来。Wishing you good luck and a bright future this spring.


