Costume National是一家来自意大利的时尚品牌,由Ennio Capasa创立于1986年,总部位于米兰。品牌宗旨是“The essence of Costume National is seduction; a seduction which stems from the clothes, but also from the sense of avant-garde communication which the brand has been able to create over time. Costume National speaks through its collections which tell a modern story, mixing the beauty, style and quality of Made in Italy with the cutting edge innovation of Ennio Capasa, the label’s Creative Director.” 品牌风格极具个性和现代感,注重线条、剪裁和面料的质地,致力于打造充满张力和时尚感的衣服,深受都市年轻人的喜爱。
除了服装外,Costume National还推出了各类配饰,如包包、鞋子、香水等。品牌以黑、白两色为主打,品牌标志也是由两个字母C组成的,简约大方得体。此外,品牌还非常注重环保和可持续性。在2014年,Costume National推出了首个符合环保标准的瓶身与包装设计中,采用了100%可回收塑料和纸张,以及可再生植物原料,成为了意大利最具环保性的香水之一。